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Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry |
About the Department |
The Dept. of Pedodontics offers undergraduate & postgraduate training in Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry. During the undergraduate program, the batch of 100 students are introduced to the basics of the subject and the aim is to prepare them to handle the child patient with confidence during their professional careers. The Residents in the 3 year Post Graduate program receive extensive clinical and didactic training in Pediatric Dentistry through seminars, lectures, demonstrations, and clinical experiences, including: comprehensive care of healthy as well as special needs children and adolescents, restorative dentistry, pulp therapy, periodontal therapy, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic behavior management techniques, space maintenance, orthodontic therapy, growth and development, treatment of patients under sedation, treatment of patients in the operation theatre under general anesthesia, and management of traumatic injuries and emergency care.
The department boasts of North India’s only institution based facility in the field of Nitrous Oxide Conscious Sedation for the provision of painless & anxiety free dental treatment and training of clinicians in the modality. Overall, the emphasis of the Pediatric Dentistry program on provision of diversified educational experiences aimed at problem solving. Our department offers more in-depth clinical and research experiences than traditional programs and is aimed at the serious clinician, future academician or the budding investigator.
Use of Lasers in Pediatric Dentistry |
Lasers are being used in the Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry in the painless management of soft tissue lesions and in the treatment of pulpal pathologies. The residents have trained in the use of lasers and are proficient in handling of the patients under this state-of-the-art modality. |
Publications |
- Comparative Study of Microleakage below Cemento-enamel Junction using light Cure & Chemically Cured Glass Ionomer Cement Liners. J Indian SocPedoPrev Dent Dec 2002; 20:158-184
- Retentive efficiency of Glass ionomer, Zinc phosphate & Zinc polycarboxylate luting cements in preformed stainless steel crowns: A Comparative clinical study. J Indian SocPedoPrev Dent. 2002; Jun 20:41-6.
- Relationship of tongue thrust swallowing & anterior open bite with articulation disorders: a clinical study. J Indian SocPedoPrev Dent. 1999; 17:33-9.
- Severe Dens Invaginatus malformation in a Mesiodens: A case report. Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy. Mar 2010; 24:31-34.
- Inhalation Conscious sedation Analgesia-objectives & Rationale. TrendzIn Medical World: Vol 2, Dec 2009.
- Orthodontic Periodontic Interrelationship- A Review. Journal of Stomatognathic Science, Jul-Sept 2010; Vol 1.
- Stevens Johnsons Syndrome – A Case Report. BFUDJ, Oct 2010; Vol 1: 96-97.
- Comparison of Efficacy of Powered Toothbrushing with TriclosanDentrifice and Manual Toothbrushing with Regular Fluoride Containing Dentrifice in Periodontal Maintenance Patients. JIDA, Dec 2010; Vol 4: 461-463.
- Plaque removal efficacy of Powered & Manual Toothbrushes under supervised & Unsupervised Conditions: A comparative clinical study. International Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. Jun, 2011; 2:128-134
- Comparison of plaque removal efficacy of manual and powered toothbrushes under supervised and unsupervised conditions. Impressions. Sept 2006; 5:237-241.
- Tooth avulsion Management Review & Role of Regenerative Endodontics. Heal Talk May-June 2010: 23-26
- Management of Luxation injuries- A review & role of LDF & regenerative endodontics. Pearldent. Vol 11, 2010
- Instrument Fracture mechanism & removal. Indian Journal of dental sciences.
- Canal Transportation. BFUDJ. 2010;1.
- Ribbond: A Reinforced, Polyethylene, Ribbon - Boon To Pedodontist. BFUDJ. Vol 1, Oct 2010
- In Vitro Comparative Analysis Of Fracture Resistance Using Different Adhesive Materials & Preparations On Reattached Tooth Fragments. International Journal of Contemporary Dentistry, Jun 2011;2:112-124
- Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor for Measurement of Impact Absorption Capability of Mouthguards”. Dental Traumatology, August 2011;27.
Current Research |
- Comparative evaluation of diffusion hypoxia and psychomotor skills with and without post sedation oxygenation in 7-10 yearold children undergoing dental procedures -An in vivo study
- Comparative evaluation of stress levels before, during and after periodontal surgical procedures with nitrous oxide-oxygen inhalation sedation combined with local anesthesia and that with local anesthesia alone - A clinical study
- Effect of nitrous oxide inhalation conscious sedation on anxiety and pain levels of patients undergoing endodontic treatment in a vital mandibular molar – A clinical study
- Topographic assessment of human surface enamel treated with different sodium fluoride agents --- SEM consideration
- A comparative evaluation of the association of the body mass index and salivary flow in ECC and caries free elementary school children in Ferozepur City
- Clinical evaluation of four different types of post system in primary maxillary teeth - An in vivo study
- Prevalence and comparison of dental caries in 12 year old school goig children in rural and urban areas of FerozepurCity using SiC index
- Prevalence of dental trauma in permanent incisors in school going children aged 8-12 years in Ferozepur
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